Challenge: Correct, safe and effective home workouts
Challenge description:
Mortality rate, travel restrictions, lock-downs, vaccines, cumulative statistics, unemployment, #stayathome, #WorkingFromHome, #COVIDIOTS – this is all everyone seems to be thinking about these days. The world is now facing grandiose change in behaviours we once were so accustomed to.

[1st challenge] In the sports industry, according to Adobe Digital Economy Index, between January and March in the US alone sales of fitness equipment shot up 55% as lock-downs began to be activated. Some gyms are even introducing "foster" programmes for their equipment during the pandemic – lending out machines to members for a fee.

One could even see that with freedom of movement dwindling, people have started to exercise at home more. As per OriGym's (UK education course provider) survey, over 4 in 10 (43.3%) of people are using some form of online workout routine to help them keep physically active. Only 4% were using online resources for home workouts pre-lockdown representing a ten-fold increase. Martin Franklin (CEO of Les Mills) points out, that the company's digital fitness platform has seen a 900 per cent increase in signups as people turn to home workout sessions.

[2nd challenge] As stated by National Safety Council (NSC), in 2017 personal exercise, with or without exercise equipment, accounted for some 526,000 injuries - the most of any category of sports and recreation. Basketball followed with about 500,000 injuries while bicycling, with 457,000 injuries, and football, with 341,000 injuries, ranked third and fourth. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 and lacking the possibility to effectively consult with a personal coach or a spotter, the injury risk, too, is predicted to increase. Hence, we see the need for building a solution, that allows people to work out at their own house, flat or garden professionally guided, efficiently and injury-free.

Challenge category: Let's overcome the crisis together
Sport: Interdisciplinary application
Challenge by: Institute of Electronics and Computer Science (EDI)
Challenge code: izsph20lv17
Questions and answers: Register as participant or mentor and check #challenges-list channel in Slack
During the hackathon, teams can solve the challenges set by the partners, as well work on own new or work in progress ideas.

If possible, we suggest the teams to find ways to adapt their solutions to the challenges set by the partners, as they are looking for teams to work together and start pilot projects after hackathon.