Why RobotHack Hackathon?

A simple definition of a "robot" says that it is a machine that can automatically carry out a complex series of actions. The technology is gradually evolving from industrial, automated factory arms towards more human-like humanoids. Things are changing as the boundaries between smart materials, artificial intelligence, embodiment, biology, and robotics become blurred. Computing power per watt of electric power, for instance, is growing dramatically. In simple terms, that means your smartphone can do more with the same battery life. It also means quicker advances in artificial intelligence — things like computer vision and natural language processing that help robots "see" and learn.

Before the COVID-19 outbreak, we were worried that increased automation would impact our workforce, and we would lose our jobs to machines. We fearfully predicted job loss and out-of-balance allocation of prosperity. But just as the industrial revolution replaced countless humans who performed manual labour, the robotics revolution won't happen without pain, fear and disruption. According to a recent IBM Institute for Business Values study, more than 120 million workers worldwide (11.5 million in the U.S.) will need retraining just in the next few years due to displacement caused by artificial intelligence and robots.

An unexpected boost to automation projects has come with the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, which generates renewed interest in any technology that can help reduce contact between humans, making some workplaces safer. Today researchers are working towards even greater automation as the post-pandemic environment demands innovative solutions.

What is a robot, and how will they impact our lives and the lives of future generations? It is an excellent question to ask and to seek answers at the RobotHack Hackathon. At the moment, we are working on the hackathon content and program. If you are interested in the RobotHack Hackathon as a participant, volunteer, mentor or partner, please contact us.

Future starts now!
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