Idea name: Be fit and get money
The idea is to make fitness application for people who decide to do fitness workout at home or in the gym (it could be functional workouts, Pilates, stretching, with some equipment or with no equipment, indoor or outdoor workouts).

Before join and choose program, client fills the healthy test, and decide on what program he wants to join. He pays money for example 50 eur for 12 lessons ( workouts), and start to do workouts.

For each done workout he can get money back, if he did it and download the video in application.

For example for each done lesson will pay him back 3 eur, and at the end of the month he can get his money back. If all 12 done, he can take back 36 eur. I's good motivation to do exercise regularly. In correct time and dates.

It should be application where each client can see his profile, information about himself, and can use video, for doing exercises, in this program client can see his progress (weight loss, or pictures with body transformation, and other necessary information to be in good fit and health).

Izaicinājuma kategorija:
Uzveicam krīzi kopā; Sports un inovācijas
Type of sports: starpdisciplinārs pielietojums
Iype of an idea: Work in progress ideja
Team: Vēlos izveidot jaunu komandu
Teammate skills needed:: Business; Design; Tech; Field expert
Idea author: Anna
Idea code: idsph20lv6
Questions and answers: Register as participant or mentor and check #ideas-list channel in Slack
During the hackathon, teams can solve the challenges set by the partners, as well work on own new or work in progress ideas.

If possible, we suggest the teams to find ways to adapt their solutions to the challenges set by the partners, as they are looking for teams to work together and start pilot projects after hackathon.